In October 2010, the WyCLASS website won a first place award for innovation in online student services from the Center for Transforming Student Services (CENTSS).
You can easily find classes from the statewide listing of distance classes using the WyCLASS search tool. The keyword search checks against course titles, listings, instructors, and descriptions. Be sure to filter by the term you need. You can narrow your search by selecting a delivery method, department, and/or a specific college. To reset all filters, set to ALL.
Results of your search will be displayed across one or more pages, up to one hundred classes at a time. Each class listed includes a link for more information and a link to add that class to a registration ‘shopping cart’. Your cart contents will be displayed below the left-hand search panel. Once you have selected the classes you hope to register for, you will then check out.
Class Registration Request Process
By selecting to ‘checkout’ from the class browsing process, you will enter into the secure class registration request process. First, you will enter basic contact and personal information and be asked to specify information about your college goals. You must indicate that you understand this process does not guarantee registration into your selected classes. It merely provides a registration request to the college(s) hosting the class(es) you hope to take. Many factors will affect your enrollment into your desired class(es) and are at the discretion of the host college(s). Here’s what you can expect to happen next:
- Your registration request will be reviewed by the appropriate college personnel.
- The host college may contact you for further information.
If the host college is able to register you for a class, you will be given guidance regarding paying for your class, textbook needs, and other information needed for class participation.
Asynchronous Modes
These delivery modes do not require students to interact with their class on a specific day and time schedule. These classes may have weekly or daily participation expectations and very definite due dates, but when you access the class is entirely up to you. Some classes may require purchase of an online textbook or online support materials.
- Online – Asynchronous
Delivered completely online over the Internet without face-to-face meeting requirements or required meeting times from the instructor. Access to course materials will require login.
- Telecourse
Delivered by broadcast or pre-recorded video and accompanied by a study guide. These may be supported by an online classroom. Broadcast video may need to be recorded for viewing outside of the live broadcast schedule. Pre-recorded videos will be provided by the host college. An additional textbook may also be required.
Synchronous Modes
These delivery modes follow a very strict class meeting schedule, very much like taking a traditional class at a college campus. You will have to interact with your class on a specific day and time. The class may be supported by online, asynchronous activities including discussion, quizzing/tests, and assignment submission.
- Interactive Video
Delivered by two-way, interactive, closed circuit video systems and supported by online class materials requiring login. The instructor is usually teaching from a face-to-face classroom connected to the interactive video system. Students will have to meet at a specific location where appropriate equipment is available.
- Online – Synchronous
Delivered completely online over the Internet with required meeting times from the instructor. Participation will require camera and microphone. Access to course materials will require login.
- Flexible Attendance
Delivered face-to-face with option to attend required meeting times online. Students can choose which modality they prefer for any given, scheduled meeting. Online participation will require camera and microphone. Access to course materials will require login.
- Hybrid
Delivered through a combination of face-to-face interaction and online over the Internet. Students will have to meet at a specific location and time according to a schedule. Online participation may require camera and microphone if also synchronous. Access to course materials will require login.